Sunday, 30 August 2015

Week 9 Volunteering @ ARCHELON 23/08-29/08

  Week 9 well I had morning survey on Mavrovouni every single day, and most days also a kiosk shift of 14:00-16:00. It became my regular routine that week. On the Monday though I had my first public excavation, so I was the one sorting the eggs into the categories (hatched/unhatched/pipped) and scribing whilst Sammy did the removing of the egg shells and explaining what we did to the public. Public excavations generated a lot of interest in ARCHELON and was a great way of promoting awareness. The public would always really hope of seeing a live hatchling inside, which didn't happen on this occasion. 


 After this Sammy took me to the end of West where she trained me to do an excavation myself, so I was the one removing the shells, opening the unhatched eggs and identifying the stage of development or type of bacteria whilst she scribed. After i did it Sammy asked me if I wanted to keep one of the nest stones, as a souvenir, and I did and have it in my university room at this moment!

 Each nest would be given also 3 nest stones in a different corner of the nest, it'd have the same information as written on the nest stick but were in place in case the nest stick was removed or if the sunlight faded away the markers writing on the stick.

 On the 26th I got to finally have a kiosk shift with Sammy! Each time Sammy had a kiosk shift I would hang around and visit or even stay for the whole shift. I enjoyed her company and she didn't mind me being there so I'd make her kiosk shift more bearable.. And hopefully more fun. But this time we got to do it together, it was our only one together and we made the most of it by taking some great selfies - naturally with any great shift a selfie was taken.

 The following day me, Kat, Sammy, Glen and Gail took a trip to Sparti to visit the archaeological site of Mystras! 

 Oh and in the morning during an excavation that day Sammy found a double-headed embryo and brought it back to camp to show everyone... but it was a great morning survey for me and Kieran too because on the beginning of the survewe found 3 hatchlings out of one of the nests on West! One was on their back, and the others making their slow way to sea. We decided to rebury them as thewere too weak to go on, but on the way back from our survewe had a check of the nest and one of the hatchlings was trying again to get to sea, so we watched it and shaded it from the sun as we watched it get to sea! Was such a great morning.

The double-headed embryo 
courtesy of Sammy

 On the Saturday I had my first public excavation where I was the one doing the digging, I didn't have to explain anything as Anna was there handling the public awareness side. But I was almost ready to do one without Sammy or Anna by my side to explain to the public!

23/08- MS M / Public EX MW004 / EX MW003
24/08-  MS ME / K 14:00-16:00
25/08- MS ME / K 14:00-16:00
26/08- MS MW / K 14:00-16:00 / EX Dias
27/08- MS MW / K 14:00-16:00
28/08- MS ME / Trip to Sparti
29/08- MS ME / K 12:00-14:00 / EX MB / SS MB

MS- Morning Survey
ES- Evening Survey
LS- Light Survey
NP- Night Patrol
K- Kiosk
BC- Basecamp
IT- Information Table
SS- Slideshow
EX - Excavation
SH- Shading 

Beach Codes:
M- Mavrovouni (Whole beach)
ME- Mavrovouni East
MW- Mavrovouni West
V- Valtaki
S- Selinitsa
B- Vathi

Sunday, 23 August 2015

Week 8 Volunteering @ ARCHELON 16/08-22/08

 Week 8 began with shading 3 nests of Mavrovouni West. Shading was where we would place up beach mats behind and alongside the nest prior to the nests estimated hatch date. This was to protect and 'shade' the nest from the artificial lights at the back of the beach, to prevent disorientating hatchlings. This was our way of giving them the best chance of making it to sea without getting lost. 

A shaded nest!

 The next day I went along and helped Sammy shade a found by hatching nest on Vathi in the evening. A 'found by hatching' nest is where a turtle either laid a nest before started monitoring the beaches (before the project started) and then it hatched and we located a nest. Or possibly a turtles nesting attempt was misidentified, and it was in fact a nest. Locals reported to Sammy hatchlings came out of a general area, but it was such a huge space that they claimed and there was no clear area the hatchlings may have come from (no clear singular crater in sand). Therefore we shaded a huge space while Finn and Rosie did the survey on the rest of Vathi. 

 On the 19th I had my first excavation! Excavations were where 10 days after the first hatch event of a nest we dig the nest up and open the egg chamber and see what happened to each egg and why. It's a way of determining the egg success rate for the nest. I was the one scribing, which means I was writing down all the information about the nest.

Sammy teaching me how to scribe

  Scribing things such as the clutch size (how many eggs were in the nest), how many hatched or didn't and why not e.g. Bacteria, or what stage of development the embryo made it to. After the survey and excavation me Sammy and Anna had some real great selfies with the shipwreck on Valtaki!

 And on the Saturday, Lizzie my great friend left... She had been there for the 8 weeks with me. She had arrived the same day as me and we went through it all together. And it was weird after she left, knowing only Sammy and Anna were there for some of the stories and things I'd refer to. Saying that though, I have new stories with those newer people which the people who left don't know of. It's hard when people leave though, regardless of how great new people are. But before she left on the Friday me, Lizzie, Sammy and Anna had a lovely pizza lunch at Castello Antico - a local hotel.

Sammy, Lizzie and Me on Lizzies last Taverna night

16/08- ?
17/08-  MS S / Me, Lizzie, Anna and Sammy visited Lidl! / Shading MW009/10/11 19:00
18/08- MS S / K 14:00-16:00 / Shading B
19/08- MS MW / ES V + EX
20/08- K 10:00-12:00 / cook
21/08- MS MW / K 14:00-16:00
22/08- MS ME

MS- Morning Survey
ES- Evening Survey
LS- Light Survey
NP- Night Patrol
K- Kiosk
BC- Basecamp
IT- Information Table
SS- Slideshow
EX - Excavation
SH- Shading 

Beach Codes:
M- Mavrovouni (Whole beach)
ME- Mavrovouni East
MW- Mavrovouni West
V- Valtaki
S- Selinitsa
B- Vathi

Sunday, 16 August 2015

Week 7 Volunteering @ ARCHELON 09/08-15/08

 The 9th August was one of the longest days for me at camp. It all startewith me doing the survey on the whole of Mavrovouni, which is usually fine I didn't expect anything apart from maybe some hatchling tracks - as I mentioned in a previous week I neveever had any attempts on Mavrovouni so just came accustomed to nothing - especially since we had entered hatchling season and I thought nesting season was near enough over I did not expect what I found at the beginning of east. There I was, with 2 new volunteers on their first morning survey and we find adult turtle tracks, I was excited as hadn't seen them in a while and I was so glad for Kieran and Tara as thewere able to see them and thewere becoming less and less common at this time in the season. 

 We got to the first attempt and as I was identifying it I checked in the centre of it for if it was an abandoneegg chamber, which is initially w
hat I thought it was, but it didn't feel like it so I looked at it and thought this might be a nest. So I talked the volunteers through the nest digging procedures, and thewe started digging. We dug for an hour or so before I called Anna to come down and help us dig for the eggs as I was having trouble finding the egg chamber. I had taken a picture of the attempt before digging so it could be identified in case it wasn't a nest. But Anna was also unsure at the time so we continued to dig - it got to a stage where we identified it wasn't in fact a nest. 

 But th
en Anna told me about all the other nesting attempts I hadn't even seen (because I was focused on the attempt I as working on) but there were 5 other nesting attempts, just after the one wwere at, by 2 different emergences and tracks going everywhere. Anna helped me identify them and write the information in the morning survey book before I carried on with the rest of the survey. The turtle ended up doing 3 emergences (so coming out of the sea 3 times) and made 5 abandoneegg chambers and 1 body pit. In general it could take you maybe 2 hours to do the survey, half hour to walk the road and beach one side and then do the other side taking roughly the same amount of time. But in total the survey took 6 hours! Starting at 5:30am and finishing near enough 12pm.

Turtle tracks and attempts gone wild at beginning of east

 As I was walking into camp after my survey Sammy comes running up to me and hugs me saying she as so sorry for the morning, of course she didn't know I'd be out for so long - that just was the way with surveys! which made them exciting honestly. Sammy was in charge of putting people on surveys and organising the shifts to do with the monitoring - so she felt bad haha!

 But as soon as I arrived at camp thewere saying there was a turtle stranding far away from camp, and we'd have to drive for a while to reach it. They asked if I wanted to come and I said of course, I had just been up for 6 hours because I couldn't identify an abandoneegg chamber as one (which would've saved me a lot of time!) but I wanted to come along. So me, Sammy, Anna, Lizzie and Donal all went on the road trip to Archangelos to get the turtle. After much driving and a little getting lost, we finally got there. Sunny (Lizzie named the turtle) had a bad injury to her carapacewhich meant lifting her up into the stranding box was more difficult as couldn't hold her in the usual places. Also Sammy didn't want to take measurements on her because of her bad injuries, Sunny also was missing a front flipper... We then drove to Skala where Donal was going to get his bus back to the airport, on the way Sunny ate the bamboo of the stranding box!! Finally after getting back to camp and then saying goodbye to Donal and sending off Sunny to the bus to the rescue center in Athens, I had been out for another 6 hours. So 2x 6 hour outings really took it out of me that day!

Beautiful Sunny

 The next morning survey I had on the 11th was eventful but in not such a great way.. I was on Selinitsa and this stray dog was following me and Rosie - which was fine. Until we got to a nest which has hatched and I was explaining to Rosie how we count the number of tracks and determine what happened to each hatchling eg. Dog/seagull or if it made it to sea. The dog was sitting right through the tracks. The dog then had something in its mouth, Rosie joked "haha what if it's a hatchling" and I laughed. And then I did a double take and looked closer and I saw a flipper, it WAS a hatchling!! The dog gave it to me straight away, and sadly the hatchling was already dead. It was hard to determine where this hatchling had come from, so we presumed it was the nest we were at but that did show how dogs are an issue to sea turtle conservation on those beaches!

A little further down unfortunately dogs had dug up 2 reburied hatchlings. We would rebury hatchlings if they were too weak to make it all the way to sea, to give them a second chance. And after this event we placed grids over the reburys, as no grid was in place here just a bamboo stick to indicate to us they were there in case hatchling tracks were able to be seen therefore dogs easily got to the hatchlings..

Dug up rebury :(

Dead reburied hatchling...

 I also had my first and only ever light survey this week with Sammy. A light survey is simply here you'd walk the beach, just like a night patrol (in fact we did one at the same time) and each light you'd come across take a GPS measurement, note down type of light according to a list of diagrams and names, and the intensity.

09/08- MS M / *turtle stranding 12:00 Archangelos (Sunny)*
10/08- MS ME / K 12:00-14:00
11/08- MS S / NP ME
12/08- Day off
13/08- MS S / NP MW
14/08- K 16:00-18:00 / NP ME
15/08- K 12:00-14:00 / NP + LS MW

MS- Morning Survey
ES- Evening Survey
LS- Light Survey
NP- Night Patrol
K- Kiosk
BC- Basecamp
IT- Information Table
SS- Slideshow
EX - Excavation
SH- Shading 

Beach Codes:
M- Mavrovouni (Whole beach)
ME- Mavrovouni East
MW- Mavrovouni West
V- Valtaki
S- Selinitsa
B- Vathi